Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3 months old!

Our little Kohlston Von is 3 months old today!!! Look how serious he is in this picture. Daddy's doing work on his laptop and Kohlston was hanging out on his lap. So far he's been a great baby! Sleeping has improved even more - we're up to about 8-9.5 hours straight at night. Mommy is in heaven and able to catch some Zzzzz's!
Scroll down for pictures from our weekend.

Daddy & Kohl
Sat. we went to Uncle Slim & Aunt Lo's house to watch the Seminoles! Of course we were all wearing our Nole gear :) Go Noles!
Sat. Daddy was headed off to Referee High School Football. Here he is all dressed up in his uniform (isn't it cute)!
Kai holding Kohlston:
Kai with the camera - wait until you see the next one! Hah!
Kai was trying to so hard to get us both in the picture. A little more practice and she'll have it down in no time!
Friday Kai woke up from her nap in a bit of a mood (to put it nicely) so we decided to cheer her up with Bubbles in the Backyard! It worked!!!
Backyard bubbles!
Uncle Adam, Aunt Chanda & Caleb are coming to visit from San Francisco! Can't wait to see them - stay tuned for pictures :)

1 comment:


Hi Erika,
Had a GOOD visit with Adam and the C. A. Zirky's.
Eric Z.