Uncle Adam, Aunt Chanda, Caleb & Aubrey came to the states for an early Christmas celebration! We had such a great time with them. The kids all played really well together and we goofed off like always. Here are a few shots!

Aunt Chanda playing with Kohlston.

Kai and Caleb hanging with Cuba!

Gigi Lynne playing with Kohlston!

We had to barricade the Christmas tree from baby Aubrey so Santa's early stop consisted of gifts on the table as well as under the tree!

Aubrey has as constant smile, even when she is upset....it's the cutest thing you've ever seen!!! She is one HAPPY baby!

Aunt Chanda trying to figure out what to put inside her luggage of a bag ;)

Kohlerbear got a trash truck!!! It was the highlight of the morning!

Gigi modeling her new scarf!

Kai is beyond excited! She loves a good board game :)

We got the kids personalized travel bags for their tooth brushes, tooth paste, mouth wash etc... After all they do more traveling then anyone I know (except many Daddy).

Mom, Chanda & I took the kids for a nature walk at John Chestnut. Here is us looking down on Gigi Lynne & Aubrey.

Handsome Caleb!

I love that Caleb is cautious and has his hand on Kohl's back......so cute!

They can't quite figure out where Gigi is?!?!

I'm not sure what type of frog this is but I would put a bet on it that it's poisonous!!! What do you think?

Caleb, Kohlston, Kailey & Aubrey :):):):)

We had such a nice, peaceful stroll!
We just booked out tickets for Honduras in April! We love and miss you guys soooooo much, can't wait to see you again soon!!! oxox
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