Kai and her two best girlfriends from Longleaf Learning Center were invited over for Kailey's VERY 1st sleepover!!! Unfortunately, Addison had a belly ache but there are many more to come! We made personalized baskets with matching bathing suits, popcorn cups, beaded necklaces, beads, bubbles, heart bracelets, gummies etc... The girls had a blast!

Ms. Kai-Kai and Ms. Bri-Bri

They were dancing in the kitchen. They take dance classes together (tap/ballet).

We put out the slip n slide and they swam like FISH in the pool! Doing handstands on the bottom of the pool and going down the slide.

Awe! How cute :)

They even gave little bro a little attention! He was in bed by 7pm though :)

Getting ready to make shell and bead necklaces!

They were so creative and had fun putting their own special touch to it.

Mom helped them make one for Addison too! We missed Addi!!!!

They managed to sleep though the night and popped up bright and early (5:40AM) letting us know they wanted to snuggle in bed. Mommy joined them but they weren't going back to sleep by any means. Sooooooooooo they sat in the office and finished their movie from the night before. Nomeo and Juliet - it was cute! Cuba enjoyed it too!

RISE AND SHINE!! Wild man is UP and at em'! He wants to know what he missed out on :)

Off to the YMCA for the girls very first Tball game. The SHARKS were awesome! Kai and Bri are both number 9 :)

I love Bri's pose!!!

GO KEEKS GO!!! You whacked that ball girl!! RUN BABY RUN!

Keep going girl!

Someone is PROUD to be on first base :)

Fun times!! Many more to come :)
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