Daddy was in Las Vegas for work last week so Mommy and I decided to pick up Sushi! I've had it a few times before and absolultey loved it. This time Mommy told me she was going to teach me how to use chopsticks so I could eat Sushi like you're supposed to. I tried and tried and finally picked it up! It didn't quite make it to my mouth before it dropped on my plate but not too bad for my first chopstick experience!

Mommy adjusted my hands on the chopsticks and it was so much easier!

Kohlston wasn't quite ready to try Sushi so he stuck to green beans and mac n cheese! He just started using a fork really well :) He went through this stage where he wouldn't eat veggies and Mommy was pretty stressed out over it. Thank goodness Aunt Chanda passed on her secret tip (making it fun with a straw and puree baby food). IT WORKS!!!!! He LOVES his veggy's now :)

Check out this Veggy Boy :):) Happy as can be!
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