Uncle Adam, Aunt Chanda & Caleb have been in the states (from Honduras where they currently live) to await the birth of their new addition, Aubrey Cleo Zirkelbach, who was born on Jan. 3 , 2011! We haven't had the opportunity to meet her yet but we were able to spend time with Adam, Chanda & Caleb. Here are a few shots of us spending quality time together.
Kailey & Caleb rolling around in Gigi & GrampZ's front yard. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get a picture of them looking at the same time.

Mr. Cutiepie himself :)

Uncle Adam tossing Caleb around in the air (he loved every minute of it).

Gigi Lynne snuggling with Kohlston (twins I tell yah).

Mommy & Uncle Adam horsing around! You can tell they were enjoying their cocktails :)

Mommy, Uncle Adam & their boys :)

After Aubrey was born Uncle Adam decided to give Aunt Chanda some bonding time with her new daughter and he and Caleb drove down to stay with us for the night. Caleb, Kailey and Kohlston had the time of their lives laughing and goofing off. They were hilarious. Here they are playing drums on the couch!

I love this handsome pic!

More silliness :):)

Then some ring around the rosie!

Caleb looks like he's up to something! I think he thought balancing on the train was pretty cool!

We had so much fun with you guys! Too bad you live so far away :(:(
Hope to see you soon and we can't wait to meet precious little Aubrey Cleo!
1 comment:
Love the pictures~!!!!! keep them coming
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