This was our first year attending 'Family Night Under the Lights' at Longleaf Learning Center (Kai's preschool). They did an amazing job entertaining the kids! First we stopped by to see the photographer for a family shot (soon to come). Here are the kids checking out the Bee's classroom and probably making a mess ;) BUT HEY, that's normal ;) ;)

Awwww! Little Man :) I just love it when he's all dressed up in his vest and tie! Soooooooo handsome!

Next we popped outside just in time to see Santa arrive! Kai was the second in line. Check out this face FULL of excitement!

Two words: GREAT SHOT! Kai and Santa spent a long few minutes chatting about being a good girl and making sure she takes care of her little brother. Kohl wasn't up for sitting on his lap this time. It was a little past his bedtime and he wanted Momma.

He did get to enjoy a candy cane that Santa gave Kailey to share with him! That sugar sooned perked him up :)

Kai and Kohl decorated their cookie while enjoying a delicious glass of cold milk! Just as Santa does every Christmas :) After that they made 'Reindeer Food'!
The note reads:
Sprinkle on the lawn at night,
The moon will make it sparkle bright,
As Santa's reindeer fly and roam,
This will guide them to your home.

After they made 'reindeer food' they enjoyed the beautiful snow fall! Yes, believe it or not it SNOWED here in Florida at LLC ;) Kai thought it was the coolest thing ever!

Kai and her BFF, Brianna, playing in the LLC Snow!

Can't wait until next year!!! Thanks LLC for a fabulous time!
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