Yesterday Mommy & Ms. Debbi took Bree, Kohlston & me to the ZOO! We walked hand in hand and checked out all kinds of animals, rode horses & rides, shared snacks (grapes, graham crackers, goldfish & apple juice) and even played on the zoo playground. It was hot but boy did we have fun :) Here are a few shots of us throughout the beautiful afternoon.
Kailey & Brianna
Kai & Bree on the Banana Ride!
Kohlston (out of the stroller) on the run!
Bree & Kai showing off their bravery! GO GIRLS :)
Miss Bree :)
Miss Kai :)
Kohlston & Mommy petting the horses (little man wasn't quite sure what to think).
Here we are at the petting zoo brushing the goats. Kohlston saw a small black and white goat and pointed saying "Mooooooo"! :) :) He loves cows - we pull over to Moo at them everyday on the way home from the YMCA.
I love this one! Bree is hanging on the goat posing for this pic :) Too precious!
Kai, Bree (next to Kai up front - hidden in this photo), Kohlston & Mommy goinng on the Train Ride!
Tired girls - ready for a nap!
Oh! Maybe there is enough energy for one more pose :)
and a little dancing!
Luv you Bree! See you at school today :)