So far we've had a really awesome summer! Kai still attends school 2 days a week (she will soon jump to 3 days), we've had tons of fun at the YMCA, swimming, playing in the mister and hose, park visits to play and feed the fish, dancing, reading, playdates & snuggle time. Ready for a good laugh! Well, one of our favorite daily activities is playing DRESS UP. Every once in awhile we get the bright idea to dress little man up too! He thinks it's hilarious (Daddy - well, not so much) and there probably won't be much more of it so we better post a pic while we can still laugh about it!
Yes, Kohlston is crackin up! If he only knew his big sis put him in a ballerina outfit!
Kohlston says "What, what are you looking at"?
"Is there something wrong"?
Daddy loves to make us milkshakes in the morning full of tons of organic milk and fresh fruit! Here's Kai before school one morning gulping it down :)
Wild man runs the house while his sister is away for the day. He loves his one on one time with Mommy :) We spend a lot of time snuggling, playing and laughing!
We usually take a dip in the pool every evening and then a quick bath in the hose on the pool deck (perfect during the summer, right). Here's Princess Blue Eyes trying to wind down afterward!
Kohlston rocking his hair! It's the BEST :)
This little guy loves to giggle! Sometimes when we're out and about he will overhear a group of people laughing and he'll chime in with his cute little giggle just as if he's part of their conversation. It's hilarious!!!
Last week we headed to Walls Springs with Mamaw Dorthy to feed the fish and play on the playground. These swings are the best! Poor little Kohlston could barely see over the top but he loved every minute of it!
Oh! I forgot to post that Kohlston is finally starting to talk :) He says Mamma & Dadda and if we ask him what a cow says he will say "Moooooo" (we stop everyday on the way home from the gym to see the cows - the kids luv it). He also mocks Cuba when he starts barking. I'll try to get it on video. He's just adorable!!