Today Kohlston and I stopped by to meet baby Nolan Dean and see Anna & big sis Ava! He is so tiny and very handsome! Anna is doing wonderful. We love you guys and hope you enjoy your delicious dinner tonight. CONGRATS again on your perfect, little boy!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Miss Kailey Von!
These pictures say it all! Kai now has a true love for the water after these amazing swim lessons. Sadly Friday is our last day at Seal for this session but on a HAPPY note we just signed up for the June session and start back at Seal Swim next week! Ahhh! I could just squeeze you Miss Kai - we're so proud, words cannot express!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Swimmer Bug!
We are sooooooooooo very proud of you Miss Kailey :)
HIT PLAY to watch the amazing accomplishments of our little girl!
Monday, May 24, 2010
My girly cousins :)
Today after swim lessons (which by the way I ROCKED at:)) we stopped by to see Aunt Lindsay, Khloe & our new baby cousin Kacee who is 2 weeks old. We dropped off a yummy meal and popped in to say hi. Kacee is tiny and absolutely adorable :) Kai had a chance to hold her and welcome her to the world. Khloe even joined them for a quick shot! Love to my girly cousins :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Kohlston's Baptism
Last weekend we had little man Baptized! Thanks to our family, Pastor Curt Snare and St. Timothy for a wonderful service and celebration. The proud God Parents are Uncle Dan Katz (Daddy's brother) and Aunt Chanda Zirkelbach (Mommy's sister in law).
We LOVE you so very much Kohlston Von Katz.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Uncle Adam's visit!
Uncle Adam (Mommy's brother) was in town this past weekend from Honduras. It was such a blessing to have him here with us over Mother's Day weekend. We had so much fun playing with him. My favorite part was his non stop tickles :) Kohlston really took to him too! We learned some VERY exciting news too - he and Aunt Chanda are expecting their second baby this December and they will give birth back here in the states. We're so excited about the fabulous news and of course even more excited to be able to share the holidays with them when little one arrives this winter! WE MISS YOU SO MUCH and appreciate all that you do! Come back soon Uncle Adam :)
Kacee Ann Katz has arrived!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Seal Swim School!
Yesterday Kai started lessons at Seal Swim School! She will go 3x a week (non-school days) for the whole month of May! There are 4 kids per instructor and they guarantee she will be able to swim 3-5 feet without any floating devices by the end of the 4th week. She'll learn to dive for rings and they will practice falling in with their clothes on and teach them how to turn around, grab the side of the pool and pull themselves out. VERY COOL!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Kai turned 3 years old this past Sat. We celebrated by throwing a little party at our neighborhood park. Kai's wish was a Princess Castle Bounce House which worked out perfectly and was set up right next to the shelter. Daddy and the boys grilled hot dogs and Aunt Roxy & Uncle Larry brought Fried Chicken! Mmmmm - it was yummy! Check out little Miss in her TUTU :)
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