Today I used the BIG GIRL POTTY for the first time ever!!! Mom started potty training right after my 2 year Doctor appointment in May (suggested by Dr. Alverez) but it wasn't really going anywhere so we decided to put it on hold for a few months. We have the big girl potty, pull ups, books, Dora panties etc... but I just wasn't ready. This morning I asked Mommy if I could sit on the big girl potty and Mommy said 'sure, let's go try' (not thinking much of it). I couldn't go and decided to go out back and play in the yard again. A few moments later I told Mommy I wanted to try again and BAM - I went #2! Mommy & Daddy were soooooooo HAPPY they took me to get my VERY FIRST Chocolate Milk Shake! Here I am relaxing in the sunshine drinking my Milk Shake!
Oh - yes, we're still waiting for my little brother to join us. We'll post more on that later.
Have a great Sunday everyone!